Mapping Some Houses

Finally getting round to doing some more houses, these are so fun to make hehe :3 Experimenting with some different editing and lighting effects and layouts for the houses (ignore the gold hud which will look completely different when I re-edit it)




Every Game Maker’s Favourite Message!

(Most definitely not)


These words will be the death of me!!

So all the new features for my game kind of killed it… and a nasty little plugin confliction stole several hours of my life, but thanks to the trusty game log I managed to pick out the problem…

-crying sounds- lots of coode! Oh the joys of game making!



New Battle System HUD

Been making a lot of changes lately to the battle mechanics and HUDs etc, here are some much more recent screenshots from my game, featuring a rotating wheel style menu for battle commands and some custom skill / Item menu graphics I’ve been working on in photoshop. (graphics used in the below image just temporary, will be replaced with my own characters once drawn in photoshop! Character names and icons also temporary to be replaced with the proper ones shortly)


Two different graphic styles I’ve been experimenting with in photoshop, one with a scroll background to match the message backgrounds for the gameplay, and one all blue, can’t decide which one works better? Not sure if I’ll end up using these or not but for a first experiment they didn’t go too bad!

(The skills are also currently in development so ignore some of the strange names and orders of them haha!)



Also implemented a new plugin this week thanks to Yanfly’s awesome plugin for creating animated action sequences via notetags in the database, allowing the player to move all around the battlefield, jump, slash etc to create more complex moves and zoom the camera to focus on the areas of action (Yaay action sequences! They make my head hurt to setup though haha! TToTT) Just an example of a standard step forward and attack below… (featuring one of my new characters Hina!)


A little preview of some of my other characters! (Ignore their names and icons at the bottom, to be updated!) Still need to recreate my main hero (top), but featuring new characters Fumiko (bottom), Hina (middle girl) and my (currently unnamed) heroin (top girl)


Initial Battle System

I decided to work with a sideview battle system for my game, mainly because of games like FF7 which were my whole childhood xD But also because of the great flexibility with animated weapons that can be used with this software! Been working on adding a bunch of different swords in the database for my main character, here’s a little preview of some of their icons for the weapons menu:


They’ll be animated to swing / fire etc for each weapon type (ignore the dodgy battle layout, very early stages at this point haha!)


Below are some of the first screenshots from my battle system as well, these are pretty old now but I wanted to show (hopefully!) how it’s been progressing when I upload some of the newer screenshots 🙂 I was using the talented Aekashics animated battlers at this point 😀 Although I’ve now changed to static battlers animated with a sort of breathe effect, more like traditional older rpg games



Some first maps from my game (no longer being used)

Some of the very first maps I created in MV – a cave featuring at the beginning of the game, unfortunately due to a problem with the tilesets meaning they can no longer be used, these maps will all have to be redone :(( but I really liked the graphics on these so it’s quite sad to see them go! Also featuring a little part of the story for one of my shape shifting characters (the white bunny)


The characters were all very rough at this point, not how they’ll actually look in the end, but ones I created as a starting point 🙂 I also experimented with editing some glowing butterflies for these caves (below)


Also implemented a new character HUD and gold display plugin courtesy of Moghunter 😀 (The graphics for these will all be changed but here’s a basic preview of how it looked!)





Old VXAce Screenshots

Before I started documenting my new game progress, I wanted to upload a couple of nostalgic (and incredibly old!!) screenshots of my first game in VXAce, seems so strange looking at the old graphics now! MV kind of puts these to shame now haha!







Before the screen size increase:

